Computer maintenance contracting can save you hundreds or even thousands of dollars in the long term. It is always in the best interest of a company to think in the long term. Reducing your computer problems not only saves you money but also it save frustration and that means less stress. The company will run smoother smarter and be overall more productive.Below is just a few things that are important in computer maintenance, yet they are very necessary

The Essential Computer Maintenance Checklist

1. Backup

Before you perform any maintenance on your computer, it’s important to back up all of your data; you never know when a small glitch could lead to a loss, and if everything is properly backed up you can reconstruct all of your files and programs in the event of failure. Even if you aren't performing maintenance, routine or otherwise, regular data backup is a good idea.

2. Disk Maintenance

Over time, your hard drive fills up with unnecessary files. In addition, files can become fragmented, which would slow the computer’s performance. Regular disk cleanup and defragmentation is essential, especially to speed up a slow PC. You can run these operations yourself, or you can employ one of the certified technicians form DigitalJetstream through a maintenance contract and let them do the work.

3. Dust

A little-considered hazard to computers, dust and other debris might accumulate in or near your hardware. If you’re using filters, you should service and clean them regularly. Dust in your computer’s fans could be the most serious dirt-related harm to your computer. As the fan runs, dust is being continually sucked into the computer case. Eventually, it will clog the power supply and cooling fans. As dust accumulates, the fans have to work harder. As the fans work harder, they will slow down or could fail completely. If that happens, your computer could overheat and malfunction, which could cause data to be lost. To prevent this, have a can of compressed air handy. You can purchase it at any computer or office supply store. When your computer is powered off and unplugged, remove the case lid and look for the fans. Use your compressed air to blow the dust from the inside out the internal slits from the chassis so that the dust is blown outside the computer. As a regular practice, it’s good to keep your hardware in an uncluttered area, on a flat surface and away from windows to prevent dust and debris from building up.

4. Registry

Windows 3.1 introduced the Windows Registry we are now on Windows 8.1. Its purpose is to store computer data in an organized way. This includes software programs, hardware devices, user preferences, operating system configurations and other essential data. It’s been described as the “DNA” for the Windows operating system. That being said, of course it’s crucial that you ensure that your registry is clean and clutter-free. You can clean your registry yourself, but it is a multi-step process that could be daunting if you aren’t very computer savvy. As well, you need to be sure that as you clean your registry, you’re not deleting any files that would be essential to your computer’s functioning.

5. Security

Security can mean a lot of things when it comes to computers. Most commonly, “security” refers to information or cyber security, which has to do with protecting your files and data that is stored within your computer or online from hackers or malware. However, security also means protecting your data against your computer’s irreparable malfunction, or unforeseen events or natural disasters. There are programs available that will scan for security breaches within your system. Beyond that, your next defense against any lost or stolen data is to be sure to have all of your files backed up to a secure and trusted server.

6. Software Updates

Every now and then, a message will pop up on your screen that indicates that your computer is due for a software update. While it’s sometimes easier to just close out of these messages and be on your way, it’s important not to ignore them. Often, the updates that come from your software or from Windows, itself, contain either security patches or other items that will keep your PC at optimal performance. They do sometimes require that your machine restart after installation, so it can probably wait until the end of the day or when you have a break, but do keep them up to date.

7. Computer Cleaning

Cleaning your computer can be in a few different forms. First, there’s the dust issue, mentioned above. It can’t be over-emphasized that your computer and the area that surrounds it should be kept as clean and clutter-free as possible—but that’s just the outside. The inside needs the same care and de-cluttering on a regular basis. It’s not dust and the occasional coffee spill that you’re watching out for, though… you need to keep your system free of random software and files that may have been downloaded and saved on your hard drive without your even knowing. It does happen, more frequently than you think. Most of these “extra” files that are saved every time you download something from the Internet are not harmful, but they do cause extra clutter that, over time, will cause a PC slowdown and decrease performance. 

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