Jerry Patton



1.  Instant Obedience 

Do what's right.  A higher power tells us immediately what we should do.  Do that immediately. If you say, "That's okay, that'll do." you will be limiting your success.

2.  Have the Answers to the Questions Before the Questions are Asked

Prepare yourself by asking yourself the questions that may be asked before someone else asks.  Then you will have the answers.

3.  Do It as the Boss Would Do It

How can you be considered doing something the wrong way if you do it the way the boss would do it?

4.  Be Aggressive, Positive, With a Smile

Leave any of these out and you will not be successful -- although you may be adequate.

5.  Think Bigger Than Anyone Else

To be successful, one cannot always be a follower, but must think Bigger than all others.  If you think as others, you will aways remain in the middle of the pack.

6.  Walk, Talk, and Act the Part

To be successful, one must feel comfortable and make those around you feel comfortable -- believe and understand the subject and communicate on their level of those you are with at the time.  Dress the part -- do not be out of place for the time and location.

7.  "Yes, I Can."

You can do anything!  Someone may have to show you how, but there is nothing you cannot accomplish.  Remove "NO" from your vocabulary.  When answering Yes, start accomplishing the Yes immediately.

P.S.  Always Leave Each Individual With Hope.   If you kill hope, everything else dies.  

  • Jerry Patton contributes his  and others personal and business success to these 7 principles. We salute Jerry Patton and his more than 30 years of success with Classic Worldwide Productions. Thank you for the steps.

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